Writer and reader get lost in a story to explore a world in which they believe with all their imagination and this makes it real.
Hi, I am glad you want to visit my little universe of stories. Come in.
I am convinced that life is a collection of stories and we live the reality through the imagination.
Between ups and downs, sad and joyful moments, there is one thing for sure: understand what happens around us, catch it with our mind.
Is it clear why I like detective stories, science fiction, informatics and a little of philosophy?
I read authors who deal with genres and themes that fascinate me. Authors like Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Giorgio Scerbanenco, Fruttero & Lucentini, Andrea Camilleri for the detective stories. Michael Connelly, Patricia Cornwell and John Grisham for the thrillers. Jules Verne, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Michael Crichton for the sci-fi. Douglas Adams, Luciano De Crescenzo and Stefano Benni for humour and fantasy... Anyway, the list would be incomplete, I always get something on which to reflect from each story I read.
I have always reflected a lot on what happens in our reality and so I started daydreaming on alternative realities and revealed mysteries.
This explains why I am fascinated by detective novels and stories where there is something to discover, maybe after many adventures, hacking a digital net or sneaking in a laboratory.
For this reason I started writing.
I imagine stories in which the protagonists search for the truth, want to do justice, shorten the distance between reason and feeling, and I have to write them, I can't help it.
For me, writing imaginary worlds and intertwine the stories of the characters means to express my ideas and to convey my vision of life.
I try to make you reflect and at same time entertain you with a pleasant reading, because the two things are not mutually exclusive. Think about how powerful irony is. Think about how powerful the court jester is, he who can make fun of the king.
Even if the passion is innate, I believe that my determination to make of writing my craft was born at age of seven, when I asked my parents for a typewriter. I waited three years to receive a true Olivetti Lettera 32 as a gift, and since then I do not stop writing and improving. Now I treasure the typewriter and I use a laptop computer both to develop software and to write stories.
Here they are
In this website you find plots, reviews, news and everything else about the novels and the short stories I have written.
You can read the extract of books on sale, download free stories and reserved stories.
I would be happy to read your comments: tell me if you liked my stories, if my stories made you think, if you did not expect that they ended that way, where you wrote a review.
I wait for your comments, write me.
Featured story
Un ricercatore medico, un'innovazione diagnostica rivoluzionaria, una rete digitale per la sanità pubblica e un hacker a mettere tutto in discussione... prima dell'Apoptosis.
Matthew Jaws è un hacker a caccia di informazioni sulla tecnica di scandaglio degli impulsi nervosi per la ricerca di dati sintomatici perché non si fida del dispositivo di diagnosi personale ideato dalla società HOB Medicines, un colosso farmaceutico che ha così rivoluzionato la medicina.
Per scoprire la verità sugli antesignani, leggendari malati oggetto di sperimentazione, l'hacker si intrufola nella rete digitale per la anamnesi pubblica.
Per evitare la minaccia che incombe su chiunque usa il PNS, Matthew affronterà la società con l'aiuto di Jason Stemberg, un ricercatore che lavorava per loro, e uno dei primi pazienti curati con le nuove tecniche della HOB.
Series V-Zero - The grand finale on Hiddin3...
Bea Keysmith and Ian Relby are still on the run while Jerry and Alex are locked up in the base in Stilrock. In Freenton, Jack Loans tries to give the go to the trial against the Speculators even though Relby is absent.
The Speculators are willing to do anything to prevent Relby from testifying in the trial against them, but they reckoned without the resources of Alex Keysmith and his friends.
Bea and Ian's paths must diverge just when everything seems lost. The situation becomes tense and the stunts dangerous, towards salvation or destruction.
The fifth book of the series V-Zero "Giù in picchiata" (Italian version) has arrived, read the excerpt in the online reader or discover the story on Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play and Kobo.
For the digital solidarity promised for the series, you can read the story for free by downloading the pdf from the showcase until March 31st, 2025.
Fancy investigations?
Read my first detective novel Aporia (Italian version).
Two detectives with particular abilities, a missing girl, a fight against fate.
Edoardo Potestà and Kwame Nuru are looking for Federica, a girl with a passion for fashion, disappeared after a fashion show. Over three days, there are interrogations, searchings, transfers and car chases that lift one of the many veils that wraps the world of fashion.
The two detectives will be linked to Federica by a past that comes back to weave together her and a fashion model.
Information is scarce, the track frays, but the detectives have the skills to find and save Federica.
Step into the shoes of the investigator, take part in the investigation, live the adventure.
Showcase - Recent Contents
Racconto di fantascienza "Giù in picchiata" per solidarietà digitale.
Find all the extra content in the Showcase.
Peeking Readers
Making of a story comprises of tiny things: notes, ideas, reasoning, dreaming, writing and revision.
All this happens before anybody can read the finished story, but readers are curious, they can not wait to discover the story.
If they could, they would peek from writer's shoulders. They would be Peeking Readers and you can be one of them.
If you want to know how I create my stories, subscribe. You will be able to take a look at my desk and you will be informed on publications, promotions and updates, but above all you will be able to read the stories reserved to you.