


Where do I find the list of all works by Renato Mite?

10/16/2013 - English

To view the list of all works, you just go to section Works and select link "All" for every filter (Release, Type, Genre, etc.) in the side menu.

How can I contact the author?

10/16/2013 - English

You can write me to one of the addresses listed in the page "Contacts" or you can use the form "Write to the author".

I wrote you, but I have not received an answer yet. Why?

10/16/2013 - English

I try to read and answer all messages.

Delays in responding can be caused by...

How does the service to send details via e-mail work?

10/16/2013 - English

The service "send details via e-mail" allows you to send some contents of web site via e-mail to you or to a friend of yours with a personal message.

I enabled the cookies to fill a form, why does the message "disabled cookies" still appear?

10/16/2013 - English

The cookies are set when you load the page. Reload the page.

How can I report a review for you to insert it in the website?

10/16/2013 - English

To report a review, use form "Write to the author" with subject "They talk about you or your work" and write where is the review so I can evaluate it.
The link to the review or, if possible, a copy of it will be inserted in the website only if the review is well structured with explained evaluations, even if it exposes downsides of the work.

Why don't reviews posted in Anobii and Goodreads appear in the website?

10/16/2013 - English

Anobii and Goodreads are places that contain more than simple reviews about works, a continuous dialogue about works happens there.
To discover all that the readers say about a work in Anobii or Goodreads you can use the links in the box "Shelf" inside the card of each work.

Is Renato Mite a publisher?

10/16/2013 - English

No. Renato Mite is specified as publisher of the works he self-published.

Can I buy works from the website?

10/16/2013 - English

This is not an e-commerce website, therefore it allows to download free works or it redirects to online shops for purchase of works on sale.

How can I diffuse or quote what I find in the website?

10/16/2013 - English

Read conditions of use of website, most of the conditions answers to this question.